What is Filtered Water? Uncovering the Magic Beyond the Tap

What is Filtered Water? Uncovering the Magic Beyond the Tap

Deep dive into the different water types and explore what’s right for you. Stay informed with our comprehensive blog post. Learn more now!


When it comes to quenching our thirst, there's no better companion than water. But did you know that not all waters are created equal? In the vast world of hydration, we encounter various types of water, each with distinct characteristics and benefits. Let's dive into a comparative analysis of different water types: filtered water, purified water, distilled water, alkaline water, tap water, and spring water.


Filtered water is water that has been purified to remove impurities, contaminants, and undesirable substances. The process involves passing the water through various purification systems, including physical barriers, chemical processes, or biological mechanisms. The primary goal of filtering water is to make it suitable and safe to drink

Filtered water can be obtained through various means, such as using activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis systems, ceramic filters, or ultraviolet (UV) purification. Each filtration method targets specific contaminants, resulting in clean, purified water. However, it’s important to note that not all filters are created equal, some can be more effective than others. 



Purified water and filtered water differ in their
purification processes. While both remove impurities, purified water typically undergoes more advanced treatments, such as distillation or deionization. The notable difference is that filtered water retains some beneficial minerals, improving its taste and potential health benefits, while purified water doesn't contain any minerals.


Distilled water is a type of purified water produced through the process of distillation, where water is vaporized and then condensed back into a liquid form, leaving impurities behind. On the other hand, purified water can be obtained through various processes, not limited to distillation.



Tap water from our faucets is generally treated to meet safety standards. However, it’s not filtered and may contain impurities like high levels of chlorine, heavy metals, and other pollutants. Distilled water, free from impurities due to the distillation process, can be an excellent choice for certain applications, such as medical or specific industrial processes.



Alkaline water has a higher pH level, often claimed to have potential health benefits. While some advocates argue that alkaline water can neutralize the acid in the body and boost hydration, The National Institute of Health refutes these claims based on the inconclusive scientific evidence supporting these claims. Therefore, the main benefit of Alkaline water is its superior taste.  



Spring water originates from natural springs and is often bottled directly at the source. It typically undergoes minimal treatment, retaining the natural minerals present in the spring. Distilled water, however, goes through the distillation process, resulting in a pure form with no minerals or contaminants. 

Furthermore, each type of water offers unique characteristics and potential benefits. Filtered water stands out as a practical and healthier option for daily hydration, balancing purity and essential minerals. Additionally, innovations like Spout's atmospheric water generator offer an environmentally friendly alternative, condensing moisture from the air to create fresh, pure, alkaline drinking water. 


Filtered water offers several benefits to the consumer compared to regular tap or bottled water. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. 1. Improved Taste and Odor: Depending on the effectiveness of the filter used, filtration can remove impurities such as chlorine, sediment, and other contaminants that can give water an unpleasant taste and odor. As a result, filtered water generally tastes cleaner and fresher, making drinking more enjoyable

  2. 2. Removal of Contaminants: Filtration systems can effectively remove harmful substances, including lead, mercury, arsenic, pesticides, bacteria, and viruses. This helps ensure the water is safe for consumption and reduces the risk of waterborne illnesses.

  3. 3. Environmental Impact: Opting for filtered water reduces the reliance on single-use plastic water bottles, which helps reduce plastic waste and its environmental impact. 

  4. 4. Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in a water filtration system can save money in the long run compared to buying bottled water frequently.

  5. 5. Environmental Impact: Using a water filter reduces the need for single-use plastic bottles, which helps decrease plastic pollution and its impact on the environment.


Plastic bottle dumped



When choosing a water filter device, several vital factors deserve consideration to ensure you make an informed decision. Firstly, prioritize the filtration technology. Look for a filter that effectively removes contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and microorganisms, ensuring your water is safe and pure. Spout's six-stage filtration process, inspired by NASA innovations, is an excellent option.


Secondly, consider the filtration capacity and maintenance requirements. Opt for a filter that suits your household size and has easy-to-replace cartridges or filters to maintain efficiency. For example, Spout offers a compact countertop design suitable for various household sizes. Its easy-to-replace filters ensure the device's efficiency and provide you and your family peace of mind. By selecting a water filter device with reliable filtration technology and suitable capacity, you'll ensure the health and well-being of you and your loved ones with every refreshing sip. 


Additionally, take into account the certification and testing of the water filter. Look for independently tested and certified products by reputable organizations like NSF International or the Water Quality Association (WQA). These certifications provide assurance that the filter meets stringent quality and safety standards. Spout undergoes rigorous third-party water quality tests with reputable laboratories for those seeking an independently tested and certified water filter.

Considering water sources and usage requirements is also crucial when making a decision. Spout's atmospheric water generation technology allows it to work in approximately 80% of households worldwide, where temperature and humidity meet specific conditions. This flexibility can benefit those with unique water sources or varying environmental conditions.


A sleek white box with curved corners and a handle, family in the background out of focus drinking



Discover the future of water supply with Spout, the cutting-edge atmospheric water generator that harnesses moisture from the air to provide you with fresh, pure water. With Spout, say goodbye to the hassle of traditional water sources and embrace a sustainable and innovative solution to your hydration needs.


Spout's advanced filtration methods ensure your water is safer and of higher quality than bottled or tap water. Through a meticulous purification process, Spout employs six levels of filtration, including activated carbon filters, to remove contaminants and impurities, delivering nothing short of pure water.


One of Spout's distinct advantages is its production of distilled alkaline water, renowned for its exceptional purity and superior taste. Drinking distilled water can be beneficial, as it lacks the minerals and impurities often present in tap water, making it a cleaner and safer option for consumption.


The filtration process of Spout involves a hospital-grade air filter that purifies the air before collecting moisture on a rotating desiccant wheel. This ensures superior water quality and doubles as an air purifier for your living space.

Embrace the power of innovation and secure your access to a safe and abundant water supply with Spout. Experience the wonders of pure water, free from harmful contaminants, with this revolutionary atmospheric water filter system. Make a positive impact on your health, the environment, and the planet. Pre-order your Spout device today.


Picture of a sleek white box filled with water on a kitchen countertop



  1. 1.  Why should I drink filtered water?

    Drinking filtered water can help reduce exposure to potentially harmful substances like chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria, leading to better-tasting and safer water.

  2. 2. Is purified water the same as filtered water?

    No, purified water and filtered water are different. Purified water goes through a more extensive water purification process to remove impurities, while filtered water removes some contaminants but may retain minerals.

  3. 3. What is the difference between spring water and distilled water?

    Spring water comes from natural springs and contains minerals, while distilled water is processed to remove impurities and minerals, resulting in a purer form of water.

  4. 4. Is filtered water better than tap water?

    Filtered water is often considered safer and better-tasting than tap water because it undergoes a purification process that removes a wide range of impurities that may be present in untreated tap water.

  5. 5. Distilled water vs tap water - which is better?

    Distilled water is free of most impurities and minerals in tap water, making it suitable for specific purposes like medical applications or household uses. However, some prefer tap water for its mineral content for drinking purposes.

  6. 6. Is filtered water good for the environment?

    Yes, using a water filtration system can be more environmentally friendly compared to single-use bottled water, as it reduces plastic waste and energy consumption associated with manufacturing and transporting bottled water.

  7. 7. Does filtering water remove minerals?

    Some filtration methods, such as reverse osmosis, can remove minerals from water along with contaminants. However, other methods like activated carbon filters typically retain essential minerals while removing impurities.

  8. 8. Do I still need to boil filtered water?
    In most cases, filtered water is already safe to drink without the need for additional boiling. However, if you are concerned about potential pathogens, boiling can provide an extra layer of safety.

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